Feature Roadmap
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Recently Finished
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Users can hide the left sidebar
GMs can toggle snap to grid
GMs can choose to drag tokens through walls or not
In Progress
Users can import and create spells in plain text
Support non-5e version of DiceRight that could be used for other systems
Add handouts to campaign overview page
Users can import and create NPCs from plain text
Players can set any roll to be a damage or healing roll
Allow different players to be on different maps
Offer DiceRight in other languages
Add item groups like explorer pack / dungeoneer's pack
More ways for setting character stats (point buy, standard array)
GMs can play music for everyone in the campaign
Add default images for all NPCs
AI image generation for handouts
Items have private notes field only visible to GMs
GMs can optionally snap wall points to the grid
Have an option for creating a campaign without 5e rules and character sheets
Setting token for an NPC template updates all NPCs already on maps
Support 2024 versions of all classes
Import / Export universal VTT map format
Players can draw permanently on maps
Highlight squares a character can move to
GMs can mark areas of a map (area of effect spells, difficult terrain)
Characters can have multiple images and quickly switch between them
Add descriptions to classes, races, backgrounds
GMs have tabs for navigating open maps and campaign overview
GMs can add a pin name that appears on map
Users can import and create Races from plain text
Visual indicator when tokens are stacked on the map
Users can import and create Classes in plain text
Players can have multiple segments in ruler
Users can export compendium items from one campaign to another
3d dice rolling
Marketplace for assets / adventures
Change highlight color tool
Support square tokens
Import characters from DnD Beyond
Optionally snap walls to grid lines when creating new walls
Double clicking not on a token should zoom in
Support animated backgrounds
Support hexagon maps
Not seeing the feature you're looking for? Send us a note with a feature request and we'll add it.